March 18, 2010

A wonderful salad dressing...

This is seriously the best and healthiest salad dressing ever!

Tahini Dressing

What you need:

1/2 Cup Flax Oil
1 tablespoon of Raw Tahini
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
Three pinches of sea salt (or more if you need it)
One tiny pinch of cayenne pepper (if you want it)

What you do:

All you have to do is combine the ingredients and mix those suckers up. Then drizzle on your greens and you are set, my friend!

March 10, 2010

Modern Art...sometimes I love you, sometimes not so much...

I do so appreciate alot of contemporary artists but some of the celebrated works of modern art are just not my cup of tea.

For instance, Robert Rauschenberg's White Paintings. Supposedly about the negation of traditional art, but seriously?

Or Vito Accondi, who is just a freak and his video art piece "Theme Song." Just try to watch the whole thing. I did...

March 2, 2010

Oh, gosh, I just want to go somewhere this gorgeous...

I so want to travel right now. Its been a few months since I've gotten away and I so desperately want to. Oh, graduation, you can not come soon enough!

February 27, 2010

A delicious recipe for you...

This is so good!!

Raw Angel Hair Pasta

You will need:

3 zucchini (green, yellow, sunburst or anything you want)
16 oz cherry tomatoes
1/2 small white onion
a few fresh basil leaves
1 or 2 cloves of garlic
1 red, orange or yellow bell pepper (no green for this)
2 tsp. Italian spices
Pepper to taste
2 tablespoons of chia seeds (optional)
A little Olive Oil

What you do:

1. Use a spiral slicer to turn the zucchini into angel hair pasta.

2. Place all items (except for chia seeds) in a food processor or blender, and Pulse to a "chunky" consistency. Do not puree.

3. Pour sauce into a bowl and add the chia seeds, stirring them to the sauce. Set aside for around 30 minutes to allow sauce to thicken.

4. Pour the sauce over the pasta and enjoy!

The is about two servings but its delicious so you should make extra!

February 26, 2010

I cannot even tell you how much...

...I desperately want a waterfall to call my own.

Of course, this will never happen, but still...

February 13, 2010

February 4, 2010

The Birth of A Masterpiece...

I was just thinking, on this late chilly night, how much I want to be in the ocean. And how much I love this painting...

In case you don't know, it is Sandro Botticelli's Birth of Venus.
It is utterly exquisite. Not much is known about it's origins but I think that is part of the draw. We do know that it is a portrayal of the mythological story of the goddess, Venus, emerging from the ocean, born as a full grown woman. In ancient myths, it was said that Venus (or, to Ancient Greeks, Aphrodite) was born when Cronus, a god, cut off the god Ouranos's genitals and tossed them into the ocean. Venus then rose from the sea foam where Ouranos's manliness had landed. In this painting, Venus arrives at the sea-shore on a shell, which is a motif often called Venus Anadyomene, which means rising from the sea. This is further intriguing as in classical times, the sea shell was used as a metaphor for a woman's lady lands. Though the Venus is blatantly nude and alluring, she holds a Venus Pudicae stance, which is one of modesty. Venus’s anatomy does not portray the very classical realism of contemporary artists but rather shows certain distorted proportion that adds to the emotive sense of the painting. She is being blown to the shore by the two Zephyrs, who symbolize spiritual passions. They also represent the chaos of the cosmos before creation and show that from this chaos, Venus was born to take care of the world. On the shore stands one of the Horae or Graces, who are goddesses of the seasons. This figure rushes to cover Venus with a cape that is covered with the flowers and fruits of the earth symbolizing Venus’s role as Venus Flora and Pomona, her true role as mother of the Earth. The image portrays Venus’s serenity and confidence despite her nudity but highlights the frantic work of the other figures, who rush to cover this nudity. It really is such a rich and intriguing piece. I think it represents elements of the neoplatonist and humanist movements in the Renaissance, but of course, will never know for certain. But it truly is a marvel to admire.